WordPress If Plugin Is Active Function: A Step By Step Guide

wordpress if plugin is active function

With WordPress, plugins are the number one thing you should manage to get your website up and running. You can use many functions in WordPress, and the “if plugin is active” function does an incredible job on functionality and user experience.

This post will go over the process behind WordPress, the plugin’s active function, its importance, how it functions, and why it’s crucial for website owners and developers.

What Is WordPress’s “If Plugin Is Active” Function?

WordPress if plugin is active: The WordPress if plugin is active function evaluates whether or not the given plugin is installed on a WordPress site. It allows developers to use conditional code that runs only when one plugin runs. It’s a method only to do a plugin’s functionality if the user has activated it.

Why Is It Important?

WordPress plugins offer some functions on your website, but some are only available if any of the plugins are installed. It is beneficial for compatibility and preventing bugs or conflicts. If you have two interoperable plugins, you only want to run the code for the second plugin if the first plugin is running.

How To Implement the “If Plugin Is Active” Method?

It is easy for WordPress to see if a plugin is active using the built-in function is_plugin_active(). This method is present in wp-admin/includes/plugin.php, and this file offers you the tools you need to control plugins from within your WordPress install easily.

1. Add Plugin File: Step 1: Add the Plugin File.

You must ensure that the plugin file is added before calling the is_plugin_active() method. You can do this by writing the following line of code above your plugin or theme’s functions.php file:


include_once( ABSPATH . ‘wp-admin/includes/plugin.php’ );

That’s also the plugin logic that will let you see if a particular plugin is running.

2. Make Sure There is a Plugin Running.

After you’ve uploaded the plugin file, you can call the is_plugin_active() Function to determine if a plugin is activated. Here’s the basic syntax:


if ( is_plugin_active( ‘plugin-folder/plugin-file.php’ ) ) {

//Function to call if the plugin is on.


Replace plugin-folder/plugin-file.php with the main file’s location within the wp-content/plugins/ directory. For instance, if you are checking if the Yoast SEO plugin is installed, then it would be this code:


if ( is_plugin_active( “WordPress-seo/wp-seo.php” ) )

// If you’re using the Yoast SEO plugin, here is the code to run.


It ensures that only the code in the conditional statement executes when the Yoast SEO plugin is running.

Step 3: Apply Code Inside the Conditional Block.

In the conditional block, you can place the code you would like to run only on the plugin. It could be anything from tweaking a theme’s behavior to reshaping how some elements of your website work.


if ( is_plugin_active( “yoast-seo/wp-seo.php” ) )

// Implement custom functionality for the Yoast SEO plugin.

Echo “Yoast SEO plugin is on! ‘;


That’s an example, but you can change the functionality to meet your requirements.

Why You Should Use the “If Plugin Is Active” Function.

1. Improved Site Performance

You save space on your site by only running code related to currently used plugins. If you do not have a plugin, all of the code related to that will be removed. Thus, no unnecessary processes slow down your site.

2. Compatibility and Conflict Resolution

A few plugins might not be compatible or break the site if they’re installed together. You can use it if it is a plugin, so plugins only interact with each other when needed and do not interfere.

3. Customizability

It is a function that developers can use to manipulate WordPress behavior concerning active plugins. You can use it to re-target features or provide unique features to those with specific plugins.

4. Efficient Debugging

If the plugin is active Or you’re trying to figure out a problem caused by a plugin conflict or malfunction, you can use if the plugin is an active statement to narrow down what’s wrong. Check for installed plugins to see which plugin is failing or if one is not installed at all.

Most Reported Use Cases of the “If Plugin Is Active” Function.

1. Showing Custom Content Based on On-going Plugins.

Suppose you want to show only some content for users with a specific plugin, like a contact form, if the plugin is an active function that displays more fields/styles for the form when the plugin is on.


if ( is_plugin_active( “contact-form-7/contact-form.php” ) )

echo ‘We recommend our UI styling for Contact Form 7! ‘;


2. Conditional Enabling of Features

Some themes or plugins are fancy but need another plugin to work. For instance, a membership plugin can have more configurations for the premium members of a plugin such as WooCommerce installed.


if ( is_plugin_active( “woocommerce/woocommerce.php” ) )

// Support WooCommerce-based features on members.


3. : Executing Other Scripts Only When Needed

You can use this if you have a script on your website that requires the plugin to load, and only if you’re using the plugin. It can prevent unneeded scripts from being loaded and speed up things.


if ( is_plugin_active( “advanced-custom-fields/acf.php” ) )

wp_enqueue_script( “acf-custom-script”, “path/to/acf-custom.js”, array(“jquery”)), false, true );


4. Plugin-Specific Customization

If you are creating a custom plugin that interacts with other plugins, then this is how you can configure your plugin’s behavior in case other plugins are involved.


if ( is_plugin_active( “wpml-multilingual-plugin/wpml.php” ) )

// For the WPML plugin users only code.

“If Plugin Is Active” Function Debugging:

1. Plugin Path Issues

: One of the most common mistakes in the is_plugin_active() method is not to pass the plugin file path. Ensure the plugin file location is correct and in the wp-content/plugins/ directory.

2. Caching Issues

Changes can sometimes take effect at a different time due to cache. Clear your cache and retry if you’ve recently installed a plugin and you’re still not getting the expected results.

3. Permission Problems

The function will only work if your plugin or theme can be written to wp-admin/includes/plugin.php. Check your file permissions to make sure your WordPress installation has these permissions.

4. Incorrect Plugin File Name

The plugin’s main file isn’t what you think. Be sure the plugin’s main file is the one you are referencing (if the plugin contains more than one file).

How to Use the “If Plugin Is Active” Function Best Practices.

Don’t Overuse The Function: Don’t overuse the function. Putting too many conditional checks on your site can create unnecessarily slow sites.

Test For Multiple Plugins: If you have multiple plugins on your site, try if statements to test for various active plugins simultaneously.

Use It Only When Necessary: Use this functionality only when necessary. Do not overcrowd your code with conditionals, which will bog down your site structure.

Write Your Code Down: Write your code with comments explaining why some plugins need to be checked. It will make your code a bit more understandable and easy to maintain.


If the plugin is an active function, WordPress can be used to help create conditional code based on plugin activity. It improves the site performance, prevents conflicts, and opens up your site for customization, as you can assign content, features, and scripts to individual plugins.

Learn about this feature and when to use it if you are a WordPress developer trying to develop your websites to look more responsive.


1. How do you determine whether or not a plugin is running on WordPress?

You can check if the plugin runs using the is_plugin_active() function. Just import the plugin file and pass the path to the main file for the plugin.

2. So what if is_plugin_active() method didn’t work?

The plugin won’t be active (and the code inside the conditional block won’t be executed if is_plugin_active() doesn’t return true).

3. Is the is_plugin_active() method applicable in front-end?

You can use it in the front end, but it is mainly used in theme and plugin development, where you must load resources or features based on active plugins.

4. Can I look for multiple plugins in one go?

Yes, multiple is_plugin_active() can be done, or logical operators can be used to mix them up and see if there are numerous active plugins.

5. Does the is_plugin_active() method work with all versions of WordPress?

This is_plugin_active() function is only available in WordPress 3.0 and above, so it should work on most new WordPress installations.